A quick update from some of the happenings around town.
Quite some time ago, the District of Chetwynd and the Recycling Depot met and decided on implementing the Blue Bag Recycling program. The pilot went well and has expanded to the rest of town. There have been little to no complaints from anyone involved and the District is even seeing a minor savings in tipping fees at the landfill.
The Water Treatment Plant is commissioned and producing safe safe and clean water, and should continue to do so for decades to come. The replacement of this service marks the last major upgrade needed to our essential services. With this being done, funds have been freed up for the smaller projects that have been delayed. Surely everyone has noticed the sewer upgrade on 47th Street by the high school. These projects, although smaller in size and cost, are likely a greater disruption to citizens, as these projects can be located in our neighborhoods. These projects are put out to bid. A very important part of the bid process is to check references on companies before a project is awarded. It is important that the companies, that are awarded these projects, complete them on time, as well as on budget, to minimize the disruption to our citizens.
Phase 3 of the boulevard tree replacement has begun and the new healthy trees will be planted shortly. Of course it is sad to see the trees go. It is important to remember that communities don’t have a lot of discretion on many matters. Professionals are hired to give recommendations on matters such as water and sewer services, flood mitigation and the list goes on. A professional Arborist was hired to assess the tree’s health and provide a plan to move forward. The recommendations, of this Arborist, have been carried out over the last three years. The replacement trees are rapid growing, and are two different species, which reduces the chance of having to replace all trees at once in the future.
As many may know, we have sadly had to say good bye to our past Director of Public Works, Paul Gordon, who has moved onto new ventures. Paul has provided the District of Chetwynd with years of exceptional service. He was instrumental in identifying, planning, and applying for funding for projects such as the new town hall, medical clinic, sewer lagoon upgrades, east trunk main replacement, and the new water treatment plant, to name a few. With so much accomplished, it is a good opportunity for Alex Adams to enter into the role, who comes to Chetwynd with his wife and three children. Please join me in welcoming Mr Adams and his family to Chetwynd and help make them feel at home.
Today I attended the funeral of Archie Shannon. It’s hard to sum up what Archie has meant for this community in a few words. I won’t even try. I would just like to say, cheers my friend, rest in peace.
Coun Bassendowski