Snow Removal


The District of Chetwynd Public Works Department clears the snow on the roads in accordance to policy. To view the policy in it’s entirety please follow the link below:




The intent of this program is to provide assistance with snow windrow removal from driveway entrances, for Seniors and those who are Physically Disabled.

Normal municipal snow plowing procedures do not include clearing of driveway entrances. However, if time, staff and equipment are available, the Public Works department will assist by scraping the ridge of snow (referred to as a windrow) that accumulates along the edges of residential driveways as snow is plowed off the streets. The District may not always be able to provide this service so we ask that residents in the program understand that plowing snow off the streets and roads is a higher priority.

To qualify for this program the applicant must meet the following conditions:

  1. Is 65 years of age or older; or
  2. Under 65 years of age but with a medical condition that prevents them from physically shoveling their driveway entrance; and
  3. Has no other person living in the same residence available or capable of shoveling their driveway entrance.

To apply for this program stop by the office at 5400 Hospital Road and ask for a form or download and fill one out to bring to the office. Proof of age and/or medical condition will be required.

Driveway Windrow Removal Assistance Application Update 2019


  • I understand that the District will schedule the removal of snow windrows once all other higher priority winter maintenance activities have been completed as per the District’s Snow removal policy.
  • I am aware that this service does not include the clearing of the remainder of the snow from private approaches to residence or driveways or any remains of the windrow.
  • I understand that if there are obstructions at the end of my driveway that prevents safe removal of the windrow, the District will not be able to provide the service.
  • If it is observed by either Bylaw Enforcement or any employee of Public Works that you have misrepresented yourself to gain access to the service, the District will terminate your enrollment with the program.
  • I agree to notify the District if I move from the above address during the winter season or no longer qualify for this service.
  • I understand that this application is valid for the current year only and subsequent years must be applied for separately.
  • The District of Chetwynd will not be held liable for any damage to the driveway or property that may occur from performing this service.