Parks & Trails


Playgrounds are located throughout the town with a wide range of play equipment.

Other Parks in Chetwynd

  • Little Prairie School
  • Don Titus School
  • Windrem School

Lakes with Park Areas

Moberly Lake

A large lake on the west side of Hwy 29 North, 30km north of Chetwynd. There are 2 Provincial Park sites on the lake with launching facilities for boats. A large campsite, day picnic area and facilities are available on the south side of the lake. Numerous summer cottages and houses dock both shores. There are 2 commercial restaurant/stores type facilities on the north side of the lake. Northern Pike and lake char are most common. In the winter months ice fishing occurs for Northern Pike, Lake Trout and Ling Cod (Burbot). There are fall closures on the catching of Lake Char.

Gwilliam Lake

Is located south along the Hwy. 29 South. It is a large deep lake with Northern Pike and Lake Char (Trout) as the most common fish. A new Provincial Park campsite was established on the North side of the lake which includes camping facilities and a boat launch. The lake is totally within the park boundaries.

Maps & Information

The District of Chetwynd has created an Online Trail Map to showcase all the amazing trails in the community. Make sure to check it out the next time you plan on exploring Chetwynd’s natural environment.


Maps and other information is available from the Government Agent Office, BC Forest Service and Tourist Information Centers.